From calls for proposals with deadlines in 2022 onwards, public bodies, research organisations and higher education establishments from EU Member States and Associated Countries must have a Gender Equality Plan (GEP) in place to be eligible for Horizon Europe funding.
Ecorys, on behalf of the European Commission, is offering training on Gender Equality Plans, to support relevant organisations from Bulgaria who have applied, or plan to apply, to Horizon Europe. The training will introduce the Horizon Europe GEP eligibility criterion and provide guidance on developing GEPs based on the nine process and content-related GEP “building blocks” identified by the European Commission.
Organisations are invited to register their interest for this free training by completing this online form.
Further information about the GEP eligibility criterion, its scope and applicable organisations can be found on this website.
Who should attend this training?
The training is aimed at research performing organisations (RPOs), including higher education establishments, research funding organisations (RFOs) and other public bodies, such as national ministries, who are required to have a GEP to participate in Horizon Europe programmes.
All relevant partner organisations in a project are required to have a GEP in place to be eligible for funding, not just the lead organisation. Only private-for-profit entities, NGOs, and partners from non-associated third countries, are exempted from the GEP eligibility criterion.
Participants in the GEP training may include senior managers that are responsible for the development of a GEP and the review of its progress and those responsible for ensuring that the organisation meets the eligibility criterion. For example:
- A member of the senior management team with responsibility for developing a GEP;
- The manager of the unit responsible for developing a GEP, such as a planning directorate, human resources (HR) department, gender equality officer, compliance officer, or strategic projects office;
What are the learning outcomes?
The training aims to support organisations to develop gender equality plans that enable eligibility for Horizon Europe. Through the training participants will learn about:
- Gender equality in R&I across Europe, including European Union gender equality policy and European Research Area related policy, and in their country’s national context specifically
- The Horizon Europe GEP eligibility criterion and its requirements, including the nine “building blocks”
- Developing and implementing a GEP in R&I organisations, including dealing with challenges and obstacles, with practical examples
- Where to access other useful resources to support GEP development and implementation.
The training will address the four mandatory process-related requirements of the eligibility criterion:
- Publication of a formal GEP, signed by the top management, on the institution’s website. The GEP should set clear goals, and detailed actions and measures to achieve them.
- Commitment of dedicated resources, including gender expertise, to set up and implement the GEP.
- Sex- and/or gender-disaggregated data on personnel (and students, where applicable) and annual reporting based on indicators.
- Awareness raising on gender equality and unconscious gender biases for staff and decision-makers
The training also focuses on the five recommended content areas that should be addressed in GEPs to enable meaningful change in R&I settings:
- Work-life balance and organisational culture.
- Gender balance in leadership and decision-making.
- Gender equality in recruitment and career progression.
- Integration of the gender dimension into research and teaching content.
- Measures against gender-based violence including sexual harassment.
The training will examine how GEPs can be developed for different types of organisations, success factors, common obstacles and how to overcome them, through practical examples.
How is the training delivered?
The training is delivered in English by experts in the field and takes place online using Microsoft Teams on 28 September 2021 starting at 11:00 CET and finishing at 16:00 CET. There is a 1-hour lunch break halfway through. The training will provide interactive opportunities for participants to examine the issues of gender equality in R&I and to understand what is required in the development of GEPs.
How to register
To register your interest in joining the Horizon Europe GEP training, please complete the online expression of interest form by 6 September 2021.
Availability of places is limited. Training is offered to one participant per organisation. Where necessary, priority will be given to organisations that are covered by the eligibility criterion and do not yet have a GEP in place.
Participants will receive confirmation one week after the closing date for expressions of interest, including the link to join the meeting online and the full agenda.
- Publication date
- 30 July 2021
- Author
- Directorate-General for Research and Innovation