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Research and innovation
News article13 July 2023Directorate-General for Research and Innovation1 min read

Shifting paradigms: making Europe the centre of gravity for future good-quality jobs in the poly-crisis age

In its latest publication, the Expert Group on the Economic and Societal Impact of Research and Innovation (ESIR) underlines that Europe is uniquely placed to leverage the growing demand for “good jobs”. This advantage may become a key pillar of Europe’s industrial policy and geo-strategic positioning in the years to come.

The ESIR group has on several occasions supported the aim to promote a systemic industrial transformation that goes beyond the deepening of digital technology in industry, to embrace a human-centric, resilient and sustainable paradigm. The “Industry 5.0” approach, still far from universally acknowledged, is key for the future of the European economy, and a much-needed step to ensure that industry becomes a protagonist, rather than a passive factor of transformation. In this policy brief, ESIR looks specifically at the intersection between industrial transformation and the future of work.

The paper unpacks the notion of workers’ well-being and quality of life, as foundational elements of Europe’s vision for the society of the future and calls for a new vision of the future of work and industry 5.0 in the broader context of the Net Zero and Fit for 55 global endeavor. It stresses the need to ensure a human-centric, resilient, and sustainable future, in terms of job creation, employment and wellbeing at work.

Read the full paper to know more about how artificial intelligence and automation will affect the way we work in the future.

More information

Report: Industry 5.0 and the future of work

ESIR group


Publication date
13 July 2023
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation