As it marks five years of activities, the Mission Board for Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities is taking stock of its journey and achievements in advising the European Commission on the EU Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission.
The Mission Board Chair, Professor Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, former mayor of Warsaw, noted: “For the last five years, the Board ensured that the Mission is built and deployed in response to the needs of European cities and their inhabitants. Our message remains loud and clear: climate-neutral cities are healthy, attractive and inclusive cities. They mean better lives for us, our children and grandchildren. It’s what we owe to future generations.”
The Mission Manager, Mr Patrick Child, Deputy-Director General, Directorate-General for Environment, European Commission added: “I am hugely grateful for all the distinguished experts who have contributed to the success of the EU Cities Mission through their participation in the Mission Board. Under the leadership of Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, the Board has been a vital source of ideas, inspiration and outreach as we have developed a dynamic programme to support participating cities across Europe to achieve climate neutrality by 2030.”
The members of the Cities Mission Board also reacted to this five-year milestone:
Alberto Anfossi, Secretary General, Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo -Turin: “The EU Missions have proven to be most effective in engaging and involving civil society in the strategies and programs of the Commission. The Cities Mission stands as a clear example of how one may act locally within the context of a strategic supranational continental framework. This is precisely what Europe requires in other fields as well.”
Paulo Ferrão, Distinguished Professor, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon: "It has been a privilege to contribute to the design and implementation of the Cities Mission over the past five years and to witness how Mission cities are unlocking the potential of technological and socio-cultural transformations, turning into living laboratories for achieving climate neutrality."
Maria Galindo, Secretary for Digital Policy, Government of Catalonia: “It is amazing to witness the different urban approaches to achieving climate neutrality across Europe. Ultimately, the Mission extends beyond cities – it’s a collective effort toward a more just, socially equitable and thriving future for all of Europe and its citizens.”
Françoise Guaspare, Senior Policy Advisor, Ile-de-France Europe: “What a journey! I am thrilled to be a part of this adventure which has put climate change at the top of the European, national, regional and local levels’ agenda. This co-creation process allowed us to raise awareness amongst citizens and respond to their needs.”
Şiir Kılkış, Senior Researcher, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye: "This Mission speaks to the key role of cities in implementing solutions for decarbonisation in this critical decade of climate action. Their inspiring visions have mobilised new paths for climate neutrality with benefits for citizens and we continue to observe flourishing progress.”
Gabriela Kuštan, Advisor on Sustainable Development and Energy, Lithuania: "Empowerment, collaboration and collective commitment for joint efforts in solving urban challenges for the green transformation and climate-neutral future – this is what Cities Mission is about. Without waiting for tomorrow, but acting today!"
Gratian Mihailescu, Founder of UrbanizeHub: “It is an honour and a privilege to be part of what I consider to be a Mission not only of the EU, but of humanity. It is a paradigm shift that will become the ‘new normal; for cities worldwide in 15 to 20 years. I am glad that, together with my colleagues in the Mission Board, I can contribute to this major change.”
Chrysses Nicolaides, Strategy Consultant & Advisor for Cities: “It was a challenge and a privilege to contribute to the Cities Mission as Board member since 2019. It is encouraging to witness the progress in driving transformative change for cities and citizens through the adoption of the Mission approach.”
Matiss Paegle, Fund Partner, BaltCap Infrastructure Fund: “Five years is just the beginning of a process that will improve the lives of Europeans, now and for generations to come. We will focus on engaging all stakeholders to make the EU Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission a success.”
Karolina Skog, Senior Adviser, Swedish Mission on Climate-Neutral Cities 2030: “All levels – local, national, regional and European – need to work together to reach climate targets. It is fantastic to see this happen through the EU Cities Mission.”
Daniël Termont, Honorary Mayor of Ghent: “I have seen the momentum created by the ambitious objectives of the Cities Mission. Our Mission rallied and activated cities. We have not only provided an incentive to the 112 Mission cities, but also inspired many other European cities on the path to climate neutrality.”
Maria Vassilakou, Urban Consultant and former deputy mayor of Vienna: “"Cities are the golden key to humanity's future. The mission towards 100 liveable, thriving and climate-neutral cities transformed by local ecosystems and community action is a real powerhouse. What a privilege to have co-shaped this exciting journey since 2019!"
Jorn Verbeeck, Independent senior urban and sustainability expert: “Agendas nor charts will prove Europe’s climate neutrality, but rather the healthy, clean, safe and resilient living conditions for all citizens. Mission Cities will ever more be innovative, creative and cultural hotbeds and lighthouses of public-private collective commitment and implementation.”
Sissy Windisch, Chief Operating Officer, WeSmart: "The Cities Mission is as entrepreneurial and ambitious as it gets. The results speak for themselves —bike lanes, renewables, renovations, water, waste... Empowering citizens, companies and municipalities to learn fast and get things done. To fight climate change. Now."
The first configuration of the Cities Mission Board, running from September 2019 through March 2022, advised the European Commission on the scope and design of the Mission. To this end, it delivered a proposal on a Mission centred on delivering 100 climate-neutral cities by 2030 - by and for the citizens in September 2020, during the European R&I Days.
The recommendations from the Board’s proposal were taken up by the Commission in the Mission Implementation Plan published in September 2021. The Board also provided support to communication and dissemination activities linked to the Call for Expression of Interest that invited cities to join the Mission. The call resulted in 377 applications and the selection of 100 EU mission cities and 12 mission cities from countries associated to Horizon Europe in April 2022
The second and present configuration of the Cities Mission Board has been advising the Commission on implementation aspects, including the deployment, governance, regulatory and finance innovation needed to pave the way for climate-neutral cities.
The Board provided input to the 2023 mission assessment that informed the Commission Communication on EU Missions two years on: Assessment of progress and way forward of July 2023, including through a position letter. It also advocated for strengthening regional and national support for the urban green transition in an open letter addressed to the COTER, ENVE and SEDEC Commissions of the European Committee of the Regions. In addition, the Board issued an advisory opinion on the review process of the Climate City Contracts that resulted in the award of the Mission Label to 33 cities so far.
Currently the Board coordinates its activities under four working sub-groups: Climate City Contract review and implementation, multi-level governance, communication and dissemination, and private investment. It links as relevant to the activities of the NetZeroCities Mission Platform, the CapaCITIES network of national mission structures, and the global Urban Transitions Mission. It also provides advice on the portfolio of R&I projects funded under the Cities Mission, covering eight project clusters: Urban Planning and Design, Urban Greening and Re-Naturing, Public Transport, Sustainable Urban Mobility, Zero-Emission Mobility, PED Planning & Governance, PED Digital Twins, and Associating Ukrainian Cities to the Cities Mission.
Looking ahead, the Board has already started a reflection on charting the path forward for the EU Cities Mission in the context of the Political Guidelines for the next European Commission, 2024-2029.
- Publication date
- 11 September 2024
- Author
- Directorate-General for Research and Innovation