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Research and innovation
News article22 December 2020Directorate-General for Research and Innovation1 min read

Food 2030 high level event: Transforming food systems through R&I (October 2020)

The European Commission launched its Research & Innovation (R&I) policy framework FOOD2030 in 2016 as a systemic approach to tackling challenges related to our food and nutrition with R&I policies designed to make food systems more sustainable, resilient, diverse and competitive, and to bring them back in a safe and just operating space.

The framework aims to do this by providing solutions to four overarching priorities: Nutrition for sustainable and healthy diets; Climate-smart and environmentally sustainable food systems; Circular and resource efficient food systems; Food systems innovation and empowering communities.

Since then, every year the team behind FOOD2030 has joined forces with other organisations - FAO, European Parliament, European Economic and Social Committee- to organize an annual event on World Food Day, the FAO’s founding date. 

This year’s conference FOOD2030: Transforming Food Systems through Research & Innovation  marked the FAO’s 75th anniversary. 

The high level event was co-organised by the European Commission’s FOOD2030 team, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the German EU Presidency.

More information

Watch the conference summary

Video recording of the full event

Short teaser to share on twitter.

Publication: FOOD2030 Pathways for Action: Research and innovation policy as a driver for sustainable, healthy and inclusive food systems - Video.


Publication date
22 December 2020
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation