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News article14 May 2024Directorate-General for Research and Innovation2 min read

The EU Mission on Cancer goes on tour

The mere thought of a cancer diagnosis is a source of great fear for many people, even though as many as 40% of cancers can be prevented, or better cured if detected at an early stage. However, the lack of knowledge about cancer and its treatment makes the likelihood of developing cancer very frightening. The EU Cancer Mission invites people to find out more about this insidious disease, to learn more about prevention and screening, and how research is contributing to progress in this field. Through a special 'consulting room' travelling through Lithuania, Poland, and Romania: scientists, doctors and patients themselves will share their knowledge and advice in lively meetings. 

The EU has consistently worked to support Member States in the fight against cancer, in particular through research and innovation. To raise awareness on cancer prevention and screening, the European Commission is pleased to announce the kick-off of the EU Cancer Mission Bus Roadshow, a family-oriented initiative to help raise public awareness on cancer, prevention, screening, and early diagnosis.

The event was launched on 9 May in Vilnius, Lithuania, supported by Virginijus Sinkevičius, European Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans, and Fisheries. 

“I want to praise this bus roadshow initiative supported by the EU Cancer Mission, which I consider an excellent approach to increase awareness, boost prevention and improve screening. It will offer Lithuanians great opportunities to learn about cancer and the great initiatives supported both at EU and national level to advance in the fight against cancer.”

Commissioner Sinkevičius highlighted the role of the Zero Pollution Action Plan to curb pollution, which is a factor known for triggering certain cancers, and thus to reduce the burden of cancer and health inequalities.

The campaign invites people to learn about the tools that help fight cancer, as well as the research into new solutions, which is happening faster than ever across the EU, and to feel more at ease because we are becoming better equipped to fight the disease. 

"We need to look back at our habits and understand the simple lifestyle changes that can help reduce the risk of cancer. Also understand the importance of screening and modern treatment options. Progress in the fight against cancer is rapid, thanks to EU-funded research that is helping to develop more effective diagnostics and treatments, and improving the quality of life and work for patients, survivors and carers" 

says Joanna Drake, Head of the EU's Cancer Mission. 

The Cancer Mission Bus Roadshow is currently travelling through Lithuania until 16 June 2024. The tour will continue in Poland and finally Romania until 7 September 2024.


Under the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme 2021-2027, five EU missions have been launched to bring concrete solutions to some of our greatest challenges, including one on cancer.

The overarching goal of the EU Cancer Mission is to improve the lives of more than 3 million people by 2030 through prevention, cure and for those affected by cancer including their families, to live longer and better. To achieve its ambitious goals, the EU Cancer Mission is working hand in hand with another EU initiative, the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan.

More information 

Cancer Mission implementation

EU Cancer Mission Roadshow


Publication date
14 May 2024
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation