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News article27 November 2020Directorate-General for Research and Innovation1 min read

EOSC declaration by the German Presidency of the EU

The German Presidency presented at the Competitiveness Council (Research) on 27 November 2020 the EOSC declaration “Opening the Door to a World of FAIR Research Digital Objects – On the Threshold to the European Open Science Cloud”.

This declaration was welcomed on the same day by the national delegates of the EOSC Governance Board as a guiding document for the transition between the ending Phase 1 in 2018-2020 of EOSC implementation and the upcoming EOSC Phase 2021-2030.

The declaration notably:

  • welcomes the significant progress made in further developing and rolling out the EOSC based on a pan-European federation of data infrastructures and services;
  • recognises the EOSC as a major milestone to implement a “web of FAIR data and services” which allows for increased access to and reuse of research results and data in the ERA;
  • confirms that Member States and Associated Countries engaged in the new tripartite governance of the EOSC will contribute to EOSC through strategic advice, aligning national policies, cooperation with the other partners and coordinating and federating national efforts and investments.


Publication date
27 November 2020
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation