Ukrainian municipalities can now apply to become associated to the EU Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission by joining SUN4Ukraine. An initiative of the EU Cities Mission, SUN4Ukraine will provide support to Ukrainian municipalities to align recovery plans with ambitious climate neutrality goals.
SUN4Ukraine offers two distinct pathways for involvement:
- Flagship Municipalities: Ukrainian cities are invited to express interest in becoming one of the 10 Flagship Municipalities selected by SUN4Ukraine for the initial phase of the project. The 10 municipalities will receive support to develop Climate Neutrality Plans by 2050 at the latest, setting an example for other Ukrainian municipalities to follow. They will also participate in a comprehensive capacity-building programme and be paired with EU Mission cities for knowledge exchanges.
- Capacity building and knowledge sharing: Ukrainian municipalities can also join SUN4Ukraine at a later stage to learn from the experience of the 10 Flagship Municipalities and gain access to capacity-building resources, peer-to-peer exchanges with other Ukrainian and European cities, and tailored support towards achieving their climate goals.
Getting involved
Ukrainian municipalities can express interest in joining SUN4Ukraine by completing an online questionnaire by 20 October 2024. Additional information on the call is provided Here in English - Here in Ukrainian. In addition, prospective applicants can join a Q&A Webinar for Ukrainian municipalities on 24 September 2024 at 15:00.
About the SUN4Ukraine
Project Sustainable Urban Net Zero Network for Ukraine (SUN4Ukraine) started its four-year activities in May 2024 and is coordinated by Eurocities. It is funded as a coordination and support action under the call HORIZON-MISS-2023-CIT-02-01 Associating Ukrainian cities to the Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission. SUN4Ukraine will support Ukrainian cities in their pursuit of climate neutrality, working closing with its sister project, Ukraine towards Carbon Neutrality (U_CAN), funded under the same Cities Mission call and coordinated by the Technical University of Dresden.
- Publication date
- 12 September 2024
- Author
- Directorate-General for Research and Innovation