- Identification
- 978-92-68-10261-9, 10.2777/947667, KI-BD-23-012-EN-N
- Publication date
- 6 February 2024
- Author
- Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
- Related department
- Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
WP 2024/01 - This paper explores the European Framework Programme (FP) for Research and Innovation's (R&I) evolution over the last two decades, focusing on its integration of Transformative Innovation Policy (TIP) elements. It provides original insights into applying the TIP framework and system dynamics to evaluate R&I public policies targeting systemic societal shifts. We demonstrate that, while the EU FP for R&I has progressively incorporated transformative elements and that transformative features are interdependent.

Unveiling the transformative potential of the European framework programme for research and innovation