- Identification
- KI-BD-21-001-EN-N, 978-92-76-37098-7
- Publication date
- 11 May 2021
- Author
- Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
- Related department
- Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
In its Communication “A new ERA for Research and Innovation”, the Commission proposed four, either new or renewed, R&D investment targets in order to prioritise investments and reforms in research and innovation towards the green and digital transitions, support Europe's recovery and increase its competitiveness. This policy brief provides: (i) an initial analysis on the EU and Member States’ performance in relation to the targets; (ii) initial background to nurture the debate on how Member States (and Associated Countries) could join up their R&I investments and possibly develop ambitious joint funding actions in strategic areas of common interest (i.e. give more “directionality” to R&I investments).
By Heiko Prange-Gstoehl, Marta Truco, Julien Ravet, Ruzica Rakic.