Quarterly research and innovation literature review: Research and innovation for new EU priorities - European Commission Skip to main content
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Quarterly research and innovation literature review: Research and innovation for new EU priorities


This is a Quartely Review of academic literature on research and innovation for the first quarter of 2020. The current issue provides several insights on sustainability. We had a particular interest in how R&I can play a role in the transformations that are required to achieve a safe and just space for humanity. Technological and economic developments, especially in the context of digitalisation (inc. artificial intelligence), are also examined through the perspective of sustainable development, with a particular focus on inequalities, future of work and regional aspects. Given the current context, we open this edition with an editorial from Nature on how science should react to the Coronavirus pandemic.


  • 1 APRIL 2020
Quarterly research and innovation literature review (Issue 2020/Q1)