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Research and innovation
  • Report

Macroeconomic Models for Research and Innovation Policy: The Present and the Future


978-92-76-19833-8, KI-BD-20-013-EN-N
Publication date
24 August 2020
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Related department
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation


This paper provides a brief overview of the modelling platforms used by the European Commission for the impact assessment of R&D and innovation policies, discussing the advantages and limitations of the main models presently at use. The theoretical description is also accompanied by an example of model-based impact simulations of actual policies implemented by the EU, with focus on the European Commission's future Framework Programme, Horizon Europe. The R&D development agenda is also delineated by describing the initiatives of DG Research and Innovation and DG Joint Research Centre.

By Cristiana Benedetti Fasil (JRC), Roberto Martino (DG RTD), Julien Ravet (DG RTD), and Miguel Sanchez-Martinez (JRC)


  • 24 AUGUST 2020
Macroeconomic models for Research and Innovation policy