- Identification
- 978-92-76-17461-5, KI-BD-20-002-EN-N
- Publication date
- 25 May 2020
- Author
- Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
- Related department
- Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
While R&I investments are key drivers for growth and jobs, their role as key enablers to accelerate the transition towards an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable Europe is also widely recognised. Because of the scope, scale and urgency of the societal challenges facing Europe, policy is called to pay increased attention not just to the volume of R&D investments, but also to the overall direction of these investments. This note looks at the current R&D investment trends, the importance of tax incentives, and whether the national governments are steering their budgets towards addressing SDGs.
By Ruzica Rakic (DG RTD)
Investing in and for the sustainable development goals