- Publication date
- 18 February 2019
- Author
- Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
- Related department
- Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
The 2018 ERA Progress Report assesses the current state of the European Research Area (ERA) and the progress made on ERA implementation in 2016-2018. It is the second time in a row that progress has been measured at country level using the ERA monitoring mechanism.
Based on the overall evolution of the headline indicators, progress on ERA implementation continues, albeit at a slower pace than before. This trend calls for a renewed commitment to (i) further strengthening shared efforts at all levels; (ii) reforming national research and innovation systems; and (iii) realising a wellfunctioning ERA.
The Commission has anticipated this need by proposing a number of programmes for the next financing period 2021-2027: these include regional funds, a European reform delivery tool, and the EU’s next research and innovation framework programme — Horizon Europe, which includes a dedicated pillar to help strengthen the ERA.