Partnerships in Horizon Europe
The aim of European Partnerships with EU and associated countries, the private sector, foundations and other stakeholders is to deliver on global challenges and modernise industry.
The initial list of candidate European Partnerships in Horizon Europe is found in Annex 7 of the Orientations towards the first Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe.
The following are the partnerships in the area of health.
Details of partnerships
- European Partnership for Global Health (EDCTP 3)
The partnership aims to deliver new solutions reducing the burden of infectious diseases in sub-Saharan Africa, and strengthen research capacities for preparedness and response against reemerging infectious diseases in sub-Saharan Africa and globally.
Aims by 2030
- license at least 2 new health technologies tackling infectious diseases
- have supported at least 100 research institutes in 30 countries for effective and rapid research response to develop diagnostics, treatments and vaccines against reemerging epidemics
- Draft partnership proposal (August 2020)
- Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of the GH EDCTP3 (January 2022)
- Policy context: Global health - EDCTP
Commission services: RTD-COMBATTING-DISEASES
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu (RTD-COMBATTING-DISEASES[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Partners: EDCTP Association, composed of various European and African countries, Partnership website
- Innovative Health Initiative Joint Undertaking (IHI JU)
The partnership intends to
- help create an EU-wide health research and innovation ecosystem that facilitates translation of scientific knowledge into innovations
- foster the development of safe, effective, people-centred and cost-effective innovations that respond to strategic unmet public health needs
- drive cross-sectoral health innovation for a globally competitive European health industry.
It will cover the entire continuum of care, from prevention and diagnostics to treatment and disease management. IHI is the successor of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), the world’s largest public-private collaboration in life sciences.
- European Partnership for the Assessment of Risk from Chemicals (PARC)
PARC is a co-funded Horizon Europe partnership with a total budget of 400M€ for 7 years starting in May 2022. The aim of the partnership is to establish an EU-wide research and innovation programme supporting the EU and national chemical risk assessment/management authorities and processes with new data, knowledge, methods and skills to address current, emerging and novel chemical safety challenges.
In line with the Green Deal’s zero-pollution ambition for a toxic free environment, and the Chemical Strategy for Sustainability the partnership will facilitate the transition to the next generation of risk assessment to better protect human health and the environment.
Core activities of the Horizon 2020 European Joint Programme HBM4EU will be pursued under PARC in the wider context of chemical risk assessment.
Commission services: RTD-E3-CHEMICALS-MATERIALS
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu (RTD-E3-CHEMICALS-MATERIALS[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Partners: euchemrisk
anses [dot] fr (Parc[at]anses[dot]fr)
- European Partnership - ERA for Health Research
Health is an area where, since 2003, several pilots have developed a healthy ecosystem of public-public partnerships. In the wider European Research Area (ERA), some 80% of all national public research investment is made by some 15 research funders, including the European Commission.
There is an unnecessary duplication of procedures, meetings and in some cases diversification of criteria. This partnership will be an instrumental platform for flexible joint programming of research programmes, effectively coordinating most of these funding organisations, including most smaller EU research funders.
- Draft outline of partnership proposal (December 2021)
- Draft SRIA (January 2022)
Commission services: RTD-SANTE-HE-HEALTH-CLUSTER
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu (RTD-SANTE-HE-HEALTH-CLUSTER[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
- European Partnership on Transforming Health and Care Systems (THCS)
The partnership aims to contribute to the transition towards more sustainable, resilient, innovative and high-quality people-centred health and care systems.
It will pool a critical mass of European, national, and regional and international scientific resources to address more efficiently similar challenges faced by health and care systems in Europe and beyond.
The partnership will facilitate the exchange of information and good practices among countries, provide robust guidance and tools, network institutional stakeholders and involve regional health and care ecosystems.
As a result, context relevant evidence will meet the needs of national/regional health and care systems by facilitating the transfer and uptake of cost-effective technological, service, organisational and policy innovations.
- Draft partnership proposal (June 2020)
- Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) (February 2023)
Commission services: RTD-HS-PARTNERSHIP
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu (RTD-HS-PARTNERSHIP[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Partners (main contact): THCSpartnership
gmail [dot] com (Drafting Group) of representatives of Member States and Associated Countries
- European Partnership for Personalised Medicine
The partnership aims to coordinate and promote research in the area of personalised medicine between the EU, EU countries and regions.
The main objectives will be
- to ensure a faster uptake of research and innovation results into clinical practice, secure Europe's position in state-of-the-art healthcare provision
- to facilitate a shift from a ‘one size fits all’ approach towards taking into account individual differences and better utilising the accumulating data to manage health, disease and its predisposition
- to contribute towards more sustainable healthcare systems and independence in data intensive healthcare
Results will translate into delivery of better prevention and healthcare services, improved health outcomes for patients and citizens, and increased satisfaction with health systems.
- Partnership proposal (February 2022) partnership is planned for the work programme 2023/4 (first year)
- Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) (April 2023)
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu (RTD-EP-PERSONALISED-MEDICINE[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
- European Partnership on Rare Diseases
The European Partnership on rare diseases, ERDERA: European Rare Diseases Research Alliance (2024-2031), was launched as a large consortium of over 170 partners from 37 countries, co-funded by the European Commission and national (regional) research funders.
It is expected to catalyse a systemic transformation in the area, with the goal of improving the quality of life for people living with a rare disease.
With a planned budget of €380 million that include up to €150 million of EU contribution, ERDERA is supporting research by funding “Joint Transnational Calls”, but also implementing a wide range of integrating activities to advance the whole RD research ecosystem.
Draft outline of partnership proposal (February 2022, partnership is planned for the Work Programme 2023/4)
Commission services: RTD-RD-PARTNERSHIP
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu (RTD-RD-PARTNERSHIP[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Partners (main contact): writing-group
rd-partnership [dot] org (Drafting Group) of Member State representatives
- European Partnership for One Health/AMR Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
The partnership aims to coordinate and align activities and funding between countries as well as with the Commission. It will also facilitate national coherence between different services and ministries with responsibility for the various aspects of AMR (e.g. human health, agriculture, environment, industry, finances).
The main goal is to contribute to achieving the objectives of the European One Health Action Plan against AMR and the WHO Global Action Plan on AMR, by reducing the threat of AMR.
Draft outline of partnership proposal (February 2022, partnership is planned for the Work Programme 2023/4)
Commission services: RTD-COMBATTING-DISEASES
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu (RTD-COMBATTING-DISEASES[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
- European Partnership on Pandemic Preparedness
The Covid-19 pandemic revealed the need for better coordinated EU action to respond to health emergencies. This partnership aims to improve the EU’s preparedness to predict, prevent and respond to emerging infectious health threats by better coordinating funding for research and innovation at EU, national (and regional) level towards jointly agreed objectives and an agreed strategic research and innovation agenda (SRIA). The partnership will contribute to building a coherent European Research Area (ERA) enabling Member States and the European Commission to rapidly and jointly support research and innovation in pandemic preparedness.
Partnership proposal (February 2022 ,the partnership is planned for the Work Programme 2023/4)
Commission services: RTD-COMBATTING-DISEASES
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu (RTD-COMBATTING-DISEASES[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Partnerships in other areas
- digital, industry and space
- climate, energy and mobility
- food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment
- partnerships across other themes

The infographic is published in the context of the report on the Performance of European Partnerships: Biennial Monitoring Report (BMR) 2022 on partnerships under Horizon Europe. This infographic focuses on introducing European Partnerships in Horizon Europe's cluster 1 and their contribution to the EU's health resilience.