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European Partnerships under the Horizon Europe strategic plan 2025-2027

Preliminary details of new co-funded candidate European Partnerships under Horizon Europe. 

Partnerships in Horizon Europe

The aim of European Partnerships with EU Member States and associated countries, the private sector, foundations, and other stakeholders is to deliver on global challenges and modernise industry.

The full list of candidate European Partnerships to be launched during the remainder of Horizon Europe (2025-2027) can be found in the second strategic plan.


Below are the detailed draft proposals of the new candidate partnerships, prepared in the context of the request for national commitments to co-funded partnerships launched in April 2024. 

Please note that these drafts remain subject to further modifications until their finalisation and publication in summer 2024. Until then, the proposals on this web page are only accessible via the link shared with entities addressed in the request for commitments. 

Draft proposals

European Partnership on Brain Health (cluster 1)

The aim of the future European Partnership for Brain Health is to accelerate the delivery of preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, and care solutions to foster brain health  (including neurological and mental health alike) in citizens, people  living with brain disorders and patients at all ages. To reach this aim, a better understanding of the brain’s functioning and the effects of environmental, social and technological stimuli and stressors on brain health is needed. This will be achieved by strengthening the alignment and synergies across European and global brain health research and innovation initiatives.

Draft partnership proposal (July 2024)


Commission services: RTD-EP-BRAIN-HEALTHatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (RTD-EP-BRAIN-HEALTH[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)

Partners: brain-healthatdlr [dot] de (German Aerospace Center) (DLR), Ulrike [dot] Busshoffatdlr [dot] de (Ulrike Busshoff)


European Partnership on Forests and Forestry for a Sustainable Future (cluster 6)

The partnership aim is to advance healthy, biodiverse and resilient forests that are sustainably managed and able to provide a wide range of key-ecosystem services, including climate change mitigation through carbon removals and a continuing supply of materials and services for the development of the bioeconomy. As the primary instrument of public organisations from EU countries and beyond to unite in the forest-based sector and its related value-chains, it will foster collaborative research and innovation among various actors. This collective effort aims to provide the scientific rigor necessary to ensure the delivery of sustainable forests for the future

Draft partnership proposal (June 2024)


Commission services: Laura [dot] LIEPINAatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Laura LIEPINA)

Partners: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland - mika [dot] kallioatgov [dot] fi (Mika Kallio), Natural Resources Institute Finland - anne [dot] tolvanenatluke [dot] fi (Anne Tolvanen), GIP Ecofor - nicolas [dot] picardatgip-ecofor [dot] org (Nicolas Picard)


European Partnership on Raw Materials for the Green and Digital Transition (cluster 4)

The partnership will focuses mainly on minerals and metals including Critical and Strategic Raw Materials, in the full value chain from exploration, extraction, processing, refining to recycling.​ The partnership will allow aligning R&I efforts of Member States, Associated Countries, and third countries and strengthen their cooperation through creation of a joint R&I agenda and launch of joint calls for proposals, co-funded by the EU. ​

The partnership will contribute to implementation of the Critical Raw Materials Act objectives of increasing domestic extraction, refining and recycling and diversify external EU sourcing of raw materials.

Draft partnership proposal (June 2024)


Commission services: GROW-EIP-RAW-MATERIALSatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (GROW-EIP-RAW-MATERIALS[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)

Partners: Foundation for Science and Technology Portugal – dina [dot] carrilhoatfct [dot] pt (Dina Carrilho)


European Partnership on Resilient Cultural Heritage (cluster 2)

Climate change is a global challenge that severely impacts cultural heritage, nevertheless, cultural heritage can provide responses to and help limit the effects of climate change on society. The Partnership for Resilient Cultural Heritage will strengthen research on cultural heritage to develop and promote, through dissemination and capacity building activities, innovative solutions, assessment systems, adaptation and mitigation strategies and risk management models, for transmitting cultural heritage to future generations. The aim is to make Europe more resilient and climate neutral.

Draft partnership proposal (April 2024)


Commission services: RTD-DEMOCRACY-EQUALITY-CULTUREatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (RTD-DEMOCRACY-EQUALITY-CULTURE[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)

Partners: French Ministry of Culture - Pascal [dot] lievauxatculture [dot] gouv [dot] fr (Pascal Lievaux), Fondation des Sciences du Patrimoine - alexandre [dot] causseatsciences-patrimoine [dot] org (Alexandre Causse)


European Partnership on Pandemic Preparedness (cluster 1, included in the Horizon Europe Strategic Plan 2021-2024)

The Covid-19 pandemic revealed the need for better coordinated EU action to respond to health emergencies. This partnership aims to improve the EU’s preparedness to predict, prevent and respond to emerging infectious health threats by better coordinating funding for research and innovation at EU, national (and regional) level towards jointly agreed objectives and an agreed strategic research and innovation agenda (SRIA). The partnership will contribute to building a coherent European Research Area (ERA) enabling Member States and the European Commission to rapidly and jointly support research and innovation in pandemic preparedness.

Draft partnership proposal (April 2024)


Commission services: RTD-COMBATTING-DISEASESatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (RTD-COMBATTING-DISEASES[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)

Partners: ANRS MIE – herve [dot] raoulatinserm [dot] fr (Dr. Hervé Raoul)