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Path to climate neutrality


The European Green Deal aims to make Europe climate neutral by 2050. To make this objective legally binding, the Commission proposed the European Climate Law, which also sets a new, more ambitious net greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of at least -55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. Read more.


EU Initiative

  • European Climate Pact
    The European Climate Pact is a movement of people united around a common cause, each taking steps to build a more sustainable Europe for us all and helping the EU to meet its goal to be the first climate-neutral continent in the world by 2050. 
    French | Dutch
  • Climate action and the Green Deal
  • EU Climate action
  • Climate Connect 2022
    Every year, millions of people flee the consequences of climate change. The EU supports those most affected by climate change and the forced displacement it entails. Join #ClimateConnect and learn more!

Interactive tool


  • Climate change and Environment - factsheet
    By 2050, over 200 million people could need humanitarian assistance every year due to climate-related disasters. Learn more on how the EU supports the most vulnerable people affected by climate change.



Other links

  • Latest EU climate news
  • Europe Acts together
    Europe Acts Together: The European Climate Pact and the global campaign Count Us In are joining forces to inspire citizens and communities across Europe to take practical actions in their world to reduce carbon pollution on our planet.
    [FR] Le Pacte européen pour le climat et la campagne mondiale Count Us In unissent leurs forces pour inspirer les citoyens et les communautés d’Europe à prendre des mesures pratiques dans leur vie pour réduire la pollution carbone de notre planète.
    [NL] Der Europäische Klimapakt und die globale Kampagne Count Us In bündeln ihre Kräfte, um Bürger:innen und Gemeinschaften in ganz Europa dazu anzuregen, praktische Maßnahmen in ihrem Umfeld zu ergreifen, um die CO2-Emissionen auf unserem Planeten zu reduzieren.