A healthy food system for people and planet

The link between healthy people, healthy societies and a healthy planet puts sustainable food systems at the heart of the European Green Deal, the EU’s sustainable and inclusive growth strategy. It is designed to boost the economy, improve people's health and quality of life, and care for nature. Read more.
EU Initiative
- The new common agricultural policy: 2023-27
Key policy objectives of the new CAP | French | Dutch - Farm to Fork strategy
Discover the EU’s Farm to Fork strategy that is at the heart of the Green Deal - for fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food systems.
- Sensational! Cooking with great European products
French | Dutch - Comic book The big bonfire (for teenagers)
French | Dutch - “Treasure hunt on the farm” (for children)
French | Dutch - Factsheet: From farm to fork: Our food, our health, our planet, our future
Main elements of the EU's Farm to Fork strategy - what you need to know. - How to reduce food waste in your daily life
Everyone can play a role in reducing food waste, including consumers. Follow these tips and learn how you can save food to help protect the environment and save money.
French | Dutch - IoF 2020 - Wondering how to farm smarter?
IoF 2020 is using Internet of Things (IoT) to help the farming sector to be more competitive in an increasingly globalised world while protecting the environment
[FR] IoF 2020 utilise l'Internet des objets (IoT) pour aider le secteur agricole à être plus compétitif dans un monde de plus en plus globalisé tout en protégeant l'environnement
[NL] IoF 2020 gebruikt Internet of Things (IoT) om de landbouwsector te helpen competitiever te worden in een steeds meer geglobaliseerde wereld en tegelijkertijd het milieu te beschermen -
“Best Before” and “Use By” dates on food packaging
French | German
What do they mean and how can you prevent food waste. -
Factsheet: EU missions - Soil deal for Europe : concrete solutions for our greatest challenges (EN version)
Missions de l’UE - Pacte pour des sols sains en Europe : des solutions concrètes pour relever nos plus grands défis (FR version)
EU missies - Bodemdeal voor Europa : concrete oplossingen voor onze grootste uitdagingen (NL version) -
Factsheet: EU Mission 'Soil Deal for Europe' Living Labs and lighthouses”
La Mission EU « Un pacte pour des sols sains en Europe » : 100 laboratoires vivants et projets-phares" (EN and FR version available) -
Factsheet: EU Soil Strategy for 2030 (available in all EU languages)
- The Food for Europe Podcast
A European Podcast series on food and farming – 13 Podcasts available in English, French and German
[FR] The Food for Europe Podcast - Série européenne de Podcasts sur l’alimentation et l’agriculture - 13 Podcasts disponibles en anglais, français et allemand
[NL] The Food for Europe Podcast - Europese serie Podcasts over voedsel en landbouw - 13 Podcasts beschikbaar in het Engels, Frans en Duits - Farm to Fork @Euronews.green
A collection of success stories across Europe aiming at making our food system sustainable: from cutting pesticides in farming and improving animal welfare standards, to processing, packaging, and avoiding food waste.
Farm to Fork @Euronews.green - FR
Une sélection d'initiatives modèles dans toute l’Europe visant à rendre notre chaîne alimentaire réellement durable : d’une utilisation moindre des pesticides dans l’agriculture aux nouvelles normes en matière de bien-être animal en passant par la transformation et le conditionnement de nos aliments et la lutte contre le gaspillage.
Farm to Fork @Euronews.green - DE - IT - ES - PT - EL - HU - Farm2Fork
From Farm to Fork: do you have the appetite for change? Sustainably-produced, quality food is vital not only for addressing climate change and pollution, but also for Europe’s food producers and Europeans’ public health. - Farm to Fork International
The EU is committed to creating sustainable food systems globally. - Food Waste and Farm to Fork
Tackling food waste is key in making our food systems sustainable. Learn more on the actions related to food loss and waste put forward in the Farm to Fork strategy. - EU Geographical Indications
Geographical Indication labels protects the names of specific food and drink products to promote their unique characteristics, linked to their geographical origin as well as traditional know-how. The label enables consumers to trust and distinguish quality products while also helping producers to market their products better. - Animal welfare: European Citizens’ Initiative “End the cage age”
The European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) “End the Cage Age” calls on the Commission to propose legislation to prohibit the use of cages for EU farmed animals. Learn more about the action and Commission’s response. - EU missions – Soil health and food (subtitles available in all EU languages)
- Soil Matters (EN) | Le sol compte (FR)
- EU Mission "A Soil Deal for Europe" 2021 (EN)
La mission de l'UE "Un pacte pour des sols sains en Europe" (FR) - Podcast: Food for Europe' episode 15/15. Soils in danger: Europe fights back (EN)
15/15. Sols en sursis : l’Europe se mobilise (FR) - Podcast: ‘Behind the Scenes' episode S02/E05 “A blossoming career as a soil keeper’
Other links
- Geographical indications in recipes
Discover unique recipes offering a new twist on European food and drink carrying quality labels
[FR] Des indications géographiques en recettes.
Découvrez des recettes uniques revisitant les denrées alimentaires et les boissons européennes portant des labels de qualité
[NL]Geografische aanduidingen in recepten.
Ontdek enkele unieke recepten die een nieuwe draai geven aan levensmiddelen en dranken met een Europees kwaliteitslabel